What is your phone number and hours of operation? We can be reached at (416) 368-8460
9:00am - 5:30pm Monday through Friday.
Our servers can accept electronic files or e-mails at any time.
What types of storage media do you accept?
We accept files on a CD, DVD, and USB device.
Can I talk to a live person If I have any questions?
Absolutely! We know how frustrating it is to get trapped in company’s phone voice system when all you have is a simple question. Our live staff will assist you with all your questions and needs during the business hours.
What if I have a rush order?
Rush orders are no problem. We will work closely with you to accommodate all your schedule needs.
Can you ship my job to any location?
We will be happy to ship your job anywhere around the world. Please provide us the exact shipping address You can either provide us with your own shipping carrier, or will be glad to provide our own. Please note that additional charges may apply if we provide our own shipping carrier.